Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing

Placement Criteria for Degree Programs and College Credit Certificate Programs

The State Board of Education (SBOE) requires each public state college to use common placement tests or alternate methods prior to the completion of initial registration, except for EAP students. Any combination of state approved test or through alternate methods may be used to demonstrate readiness for degree-seeking students prior to registration

The SBOE sets minimum scores below which developmental education work is required in reading, writing, and mathematics. Placement scores are valid for two years.  A registration hold is in place to prevent student registration until scores, or high school course grades are in the College’s student record keeping system. Further assessment may be conducted in courses. MDC students have a total of two placement test attempts (one initial attempt and one retest) on each subtest of the placement test for initial placement prior to enrollment in any course within that subject area. Prior to administering a retest on the MDC Placement Test, the test administrator must require documentation from the student that verifies alternative remediation has occurred since the prior attempt.  After the 2nd attempt students must complete a prescribed remediation option and receive permission to retest from the appropriate chairperson.  High school and middle school testing is exempted from the total number of attempts after the student graduated from high school.  However, twelfth (12th) grade students admitted to MDC for the Summer or Fall Terms and test at MDC on or after the first Monday in January are allowed to take a maximum of two placement attempts regardless of any previous attempts.  Retesting in any subtest area must occur prior to enrollment in that area or by the 100% refund date each semester.  High school administered placement scores at the college ready level are used for placement purposes at Miami Dade College.  Retesting in the appropriate subtest area will be required for graduating non-exempt high school students who were administered a placement test prior to the first Monday in January and did not achieve the college ready level.

Request for placement testing at other institutions must have prior approval by the Institutional Test Administrator (ITA) or designee.

  1. Students who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a standard diploma from a Florida public high school.  Refer to Appendix B. Note: Home education students and students who earned a GED or a diploma from a private high school are not exempted from common placement testing and developmental education.
  2. Students who are serving as active duty members of any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
  3. Students who have earned an associate degree or higher from an institution recognized by MDC.  Official documentation is required.  Students with foreign degrees from non-English speaking countries must present passing scores from MDC approved English proficiency examinations.  General Education requirements will be waived for these students if they have a degree from a foreign accredited institution, Refer to TMOP for Transfer Credit Evaluation (1100:815110). Refer to Section ll for examinations and passing scores.
  4. Students who have earned the required course grade listed in the Exemption Using Course Grade chart (See EXEMPTION USING COURSE GRADE chart in below accordion).  Notes:
    • Exemption or courses not on the chart must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson. Official documentation is required.
    • Students who have a letter grade (including D, F, W, U and P) associated with a placement area are not required to be retested; they will be re-placed in the English, Reading or Math course in which they earned that grade.
  5. Transient students (those who attend another college or university) who provide appropriate documentation and are enrolling for courses to transfer to their primary institution (and who are not seeking a degree at MDC).
  6. Students who Common Placement Test scores (ACCUPLACER NG/PERT, ACT, CLT, or SAT) meeting State requirements in MDC’s Course Placement Guides. If multiple test results are on record, the highest subtest scores are used. Any score presented which is lower than the score needed for exemption will require the student to be tested on the appropriate MDC Placement Test subtest(s). For students presenting passing mathematics scores in the MAT 1033, MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107), or MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106) score ranges the ACCUPLACER Next-Generation AAF subtest, or the PERT mathematics subtest may be used to determine placement into advanced mathematics courses (e.g., MAC 1105, MAC 1106, or STA 2023, etc.).

Skill Area Reading

Course Grade

REA0017, REA0019, REA005, REA0056,
or ENC0027, or TNFR 9917

A, B, C, S
Any REA1000 level or higher A, B, C, S

ENC1101, ENC1102, ENC2300, ENC2301,
or any Gordon Rule writing course or its equivalent.

A, B, C, S
TNFR 9901 A, B, C, S
EAP 1620 or EAP 1686 A, B, C, S
Completion of both EAP1683 and EAP1689 A, B, C, S

Skill Area Writing

Course Grade
ENC0025, ENC0027, ENC0055 or ENC0056, or TNFR9918 A, B, C, S
TNFR 9901 A, B, C, S
Any ENC1000 or 2000 Level A, B, C, S
Any LIT2000 Level or any Gordon Rule writing course A, B, C, S
Completion of both EAP1640 and EAP1660, or EAP1685 A, B, C, S
Completion of both EAP1683 and EAP1689 A, B, C, S

Skill Area Math

Course Grade

MAT0022C, MAT0028, MAT0029, MAT0055, MAT0056,
or MAT0057 (3.0 credit module), or TNFR9906

A, B, C, S
MAT 1033, MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107),
or MGF 1131* (formerly MGF 1106*)
A, B, C, S
QMB 2100 A, B, C, S
TNFR 9905 A, B, C, S
Any (MAC, MAD, MAP, MAS, MGF, or STA) A, B, C, S

Guide Notes: Exemption Using Course Grade

  • Letter grades 'A', 'B', and 'C' in developmental education courses are used for transferred in and equivalent courses only.
  • MAT 1033 counts toward graduation elective credit at MDC.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC 1105.
  • A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC1106.
  • MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) only counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. This course does not count towards the State core requirement.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) or MAT1033 in order to register in 1131 (formerly MGF 1106).
  • MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106) counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106) or MAT 1033 in order to register in STA 2023.
  • MAC 1105 counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC.
  • A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAC 1105 in order to register in MAC 1147.
  • Generic equivalent communications courses (TNFR 9901 and TNFR 9918 are for MDConnect).
  • Generic equivalent mathematics courses (TNFR 9905 and TNFR 9906 are for MDConnect).
  • MAT 0029 is used for the Mathematical Thinking in Context or Statistical Reasoning Pathways. (Appendix C).
  • REA 0019 (combined upper and lower level reading), REA 0055 (1.0 credit upper level module), ENC 0055 (1.0 credit module), MAT 0055 (1.0 credit module), and MAT 0056 (2.0 credit module) are courses in the state-wide numbering system which are not offered at MDC.
  • ENC 0027 is a combined upper level reading and writing course that satisfies the DevEd requirement for both areas.
  • MAC 1106 is intended for students preparing for STEM careers. This course only meets the MDC General Education core requirements. Mathematics Pathways Advising. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix D
Classic Learning Test, Since August 2023 CLT Course Placement
Sum of the Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing Sections 38 - 80 ENC1101
Quantitative Reasoning Section 16-18 MAT1033, MGF1130 (formerly MGF1107), or MGF1131 (formerly MGF 1106)
Quantitative Reasoning Section 19-25 MAC1105, MAC 1106, or STA2023
Quantitative Reasoning Section 26-40 Refer to Math Department

Guide Notes: Course Placement Guide - CLT

  • Faculty may recommend supplemental services based on a required writing sample.
  • If recommended placement is MAT 1033 MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107), or MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106), refer to ACCUPLACER AAF subtest, or PERT mathematics subtest.
  • MAT 1033 counts toward graduation elective credit at MDC.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC 1105.
  • MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) only counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. This course does not count towards the State core requirement.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MGF1131 (formerly MGF 1106) or MAT 1033 in order to register in STA 2023.
  • MAC 1105 counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAC 1105 in order to register in MAC 1147.
  • If recommended placement is MAC 1105, MAC 1106, or STA 2023 refer to Mathematics Department advisor for placement into other advanced mathematics courses.
  • Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading requirements may not enroll in college-level English even if their writing test score is at college level. Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading and writing requirements may not enroll in any Gordon Rule course except mathematics. Students may select from a list of courses maintained by the Academic Advisement office and approved by the pertinent academic department, for co-enrollment with developmental education courses.
  • MAC 1106 is intended for students preparing for STEM careers. This course only meets the MDC General Education core requirements.
  • Students who have already registered in a mathematics course (and are past the 100% refund deadline) are not eligible to take the College-Level Mathematics subtest without permission from the chairperson of the Mathematics Department.
  • If SAT Total score (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math) is 1260 or more, or composite ACT score is 26 or more, the student may be eligible for The Honors College and should check additional eligibility requirements at
  • Institutional ACT (Residual) and SAT scores from other institutions are not used for exemption purposes at MDC.
  • SAT State-Allowed Accommodations (SAA) scores and ACT Non-College Reportable scores (NCR) are not used for Exemption purposes at MDC.

Skill Area Reading

ACT SAT Digital SAT since June 2023 Course Placement
Reading ≥19 ≥24 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing ≥ 490 ENC1101

Skill Area Writing

ACT SAT Digital SAT since June 2023 Course Placement
English ≥17 Writing and Language ≥25 Evidence-Based Reading and Writing ≥ 490 ENC1101

Skill Area Math

ACT SAT Digital SAT since June 2023 Course Placement
Math 19-20 Math 24-26 Math 480 - 520

MAT1033, MGF1130 (formerly MGF1107), or MGF 1131 (formerly MGF1106)

Math ≥21 Math ≥26.5 Math ≥ 530 MAC1105, MAC 1106, or STA2023
Math ≥27 Math ≥31 Math ≥ 620 Refer to Math Department

Guide Notes: Course Placement Guide - ACT and SAT

  • Faculty may recommend supplemental services based on a required writing sample.
  • If recommended placement is MAT 1033 MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107), or MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106), refer to ACCUPLACER AAF subtest, or PERT mathematics subtest.
  • MAT 1033 counts toward graduation elective credit at MDC.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC 1105.
  • MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) only counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. This course does not count towards the State core requirement.
  • A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MGF1131 (formerly MGF 1106) or MAT 1033 in order to register in STA 2023.
  • MAC 1105 counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAC 1105 in order to register in MAC 1147.
  • If recommended placement is MAC 1105, MAC 1106, or STA 2023 refer to Mathematics Department advisor for placement into other advanced mathematics courses.
  • Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading requirements may not enroll in college-level English even if their writing test score is at college level. Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading and writing requirements may not enroll in any Gordon Rule course except mathematics. Students may select from a list of courses maintained by the Academic Advisement office and approved by the pertinent academic department, for co-enrollment with developmental education courses.
  • MAC 1106 is intended for students preparing for STEM careers. This course only meets the MDC General Education core requirements.
  • Students who have already registered in a mathematics course (and are past the 100% refund deadline) are not eligible to take the College-Level Mathematics subtest without permission from the chairperson of the Mathematics Department.
  • If SAT Total score (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math) is 1260 or more, or composite ACT score is 26 or more, the student may be eligible for The Honors College and should check additional eligibility requirements at
  • Institutional ACT (Residual) and SAT scores from other institutions are not used for exemption purposes at MDC.
  • SAT State-Allowed Accommodations (SAA) scores and ACT Non-College Reportable scores (NCR) are not used for Exemption purposes at MDC.
Course Placement Guide - Reading: ACCUPLACER NG and PERT
ACCUPLACER (NG) Subtest Score (Test dates prior to August 16, 2022) ACCUPLACER (NG) PERT Subtest Score (Test dates on or after August 16, 2022) PERT Subtest Score Recommended Course Placement
200 - 236 200 - 236 50 - 83 REA 0007 (Developmental Education)
200 - 244 or 237 - 244 200 - 255 or 237 - 255 50 -105 or 84 - 105 ENC 0027 or REA 0017 (Developmental Education)
245 - 300 256 - 300 106 -150 ENC 1101 (College-level)
Course Placement Guide - Writing: ACCUPLACER NG and PERT
ACCUPLACER (NG) Subtest Score (Test dates prior to August 16, 2022) ACCUPLACER (NG) Subtest Score (Test dates on or after August 16, 2022) PERT Subtest Score Recommended Course Placement
200 - 236 200 - 236 50 - 89 ENC 0015 (Developmental Education)
200 - 244 or 237 - 244 200 - 252 or 237 -252 50 -102 or 90 - 102 ENC 0025 or ENC 0027 (Developmental Education)
245 - 300 253-300 103 - 150 ENC 1101 (College-level)

Guide Notes: Course Placement Guide for Reading and Writing - ACCUPLACER NG and PERT

  • ACCUPLACER NG Reading and Writing 236 and below needs supplemental support and/or the lower level DevEd courses if they are available.
  • Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading requirements may not enroll in college-level English even if their writing test score is ENC 1101 placement. Students who have not satisfied developmental education/EAP reading and writing requirements may not enroll in any Gordon Rule course except mathematics. Students may select from a list of courses maintained by the Academic Advisement office and approved by the pertinent academic department, for co-enrollment with developmental education courses.
  • Students scoring at this level must see an advisor prior to registering.
  • College Readiness Enrichment Program (Strongly Recommended) for FTIC direct entry students who place in REA 0007 and/or ENC 0015.
  • Students must place into REA 0017 AND ENC 0025 to take ENC 0027.
  • Faculty may recommend supplemental services based on a required writing sample.
  • Developmental education/EAP faculty will provide a diagnostic at the beginning of the course to confirm course placement. Alternate instruction may be provided to those students who score between 50-61 on the PERT.
Course Placement Guide for Mathematics ACCUPLACER (NG)
Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) (test dates prior to August 16, 2022) Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) (test dates on or after August 16, 2022) Recommended Course Placement
  200 - 241 or 237 - 241 200 - 260 or 237 - 260 MAT 0029 or MAT 0057 (Developmental Education)
  242 - 257 261*

MAT 1033*, MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107), or MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106)

200 - 249 (Not Used)      
  258 – 300 (276 – 300 refer to ACCUPLACER AAF) 261 -300 (276 -300 refer to ACCUPLACER AAF) MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) (for QAS), MAC 1105, MAC 1106, MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106), STA 2023  (College-level)
250 - 269     MAC 1114, MAC 1140,or MAC 2233 (College-level)
270 – 279    

MAC 1147 (College-level)
Refer to Mathematics Department.

280 – 300    

MAC 2311 (College-level)
Refer to Mathematics Department.

Course Placement Guide for Mathematics PERT
PERT Math Subtest Score Recommended Course Placement
50 - 113 or 96 - 113 MAT 0029 or MAT 0057 (Developmental Education)
114 - 122 MAT 1033, MGF1130 (formerly MGF1107), or MGF1131 (formerly MGF 1106) (College-level)
123 - 150 (135 -150 refer to ACCUPLACER AAF) MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) (for QAS), MAC 1105, MAC 1106, MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106), or STA 2023  (College-level)

Guide Notes: Course Placement Guide for Mathematics - ACCUPLACER (NG) and PERT

  • *Students with a QAS score of 261 who take MAC1105 should also take MAC 1105L.
  • Students who received a ‘C’ grade in high school Algebra 1 or 2 registering in MAC 1105 should also take MAC 1105L.
  • Students who received a ‘C’ grade in high school Algebra 1 or 2 registering in MAT 1033 should also take MAT 1033L.
  • Exempt students registering in MAT 1033 with a placement test score below MAT 1033 level should also take MAT 1033L.
  • MAT 1033 counts toward graduation elective credit at MDC. A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC 1105.  A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC1106.
  • MGF 1130 (formerly MGF 1107) only counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. This course does not count towards the State core requirement.
  • MGF1131 (formerly MGF 1106) only counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. This course does not count towards the State core requirement.  A grade of A, B, C, or S must be earned in MGF 1131 (formerly MGF 1106) or MAT 1033 in order to register in STA 2023.
  • MAC 1105 counts toward General Education core requirements at MDC. A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAC 1105 in order to register in MAC 1147.
  • MAT 0057 is a modular course.
  • MAC 1106 is intended for students preparing for STEM careers. This course only meets the MDC General Education core requirements. A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAT 1033 in order to register in MAC1106.
  • MAC 1147 is intended for students preparing for preparing for STEM careers. This course only meets the MDC General Education core requirements. A grade of A, B, or S must be earned in MAC 1105 in order to register in MAC1147.
  • Mathematics Pathways Advising. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix D.

Further assessment may be conducted in courses.

Developmental Education Strategies: 

A student whose score on the placement test indicates a need for developmental education must be advised of all the developmental education options offered at the institution and, after advisement, shall be allowed to enroll in the developmental education option of his or her choice. The following options are available at MDC: Modularized instruction, Compressed (or accelerated) course structures, Contextualized developmental instruction, and Co-requisite developmental instruction.

If scores on one or more of the subtests require developmental education placement, students must enroll in at least one developmental education course during their first term.  Students who test into developmental education instruction and subsequently enroll in developmental education instruction must successfully complete the required developmental education studies by the time they have accumulated twelve (12) credits of college credit coursework or they must maintain continuous enrollment in developmental education coursework each semester until the requirements are completed while performing satisfactorily in the degree.

Students placing into developmental education course work in one skill area are required to enroll concurrently in SLS 1505; students placing in two or more skill areas are required to enroll concurrently in SLS 1510.  Students enrolled in a developmental education course may concurrently enroll only in college credit courses that do not require the skills addressed in the developmental education course.

All First Time in College (FTIC) Associate in Arts (AA) degree-seeking students who are college-ready in the reading, writing, and mathematics skill area are required to have registered by their 16th earned credit and completed SLS 1106, or its equivalent (SLS 1125, SLS 1502, SLS 1505, SLS 1510, or IDS 1044) by their 30th earned college credit. 

Exception note: The following students are not required to complete SLS 1106:

  • Honors College, School for Advanced Studies (SAS), and New World School of the Arts (NWSA).
  • Students who are transferring in more than 12 earned college credits.
  • Students who successfully completed SLS 1125, SLS 1502, SLS 1505, SLS 1510, or IDS 1044.
  • Students in a program code other than AA degree seeking (i.e. Associate in Science (AS), College Credit Certificate (CCC), etc.).
  • Students in an AA degree-seeking program which is not designated as the student’s primary program objective.

If placement scores are college-level in all skill areas, students may be eligible for The Honors College and should check additional eligibility requirements at

  • Alternative Placement Criteria for College-Level Placement for Recent, Non-Exempt High School Graduates, Alternative Placement Options for Students with Military Experience and Alternative Placement Options for Students with Significant Work History. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix C.
  • General Placement Recommendations for Advisement and for Developmental Education Advisement. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix D
  • Mathematics Pathways Advising. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix D.
  • Meta-Major Academic Pathways and gateway courses that are aligned with the intended academic and career goals of degree seeking students Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix E.
  1. Students who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, earned a standard diploma from a Florida public high school, and do not have placement scores for ENC 1101 and/or MAT 1033 or higher. Refer to Placement Criteria Appendix B.
  2. Students who are serving as active duty members of any branch of the United States Armed Forces, and do not have placement scores for ENC 1101 and/or MAT 1033 or higher.
  3. Students who are recommended to test are not required to enroll in developmental education but may opt to do so. MDC provides assessment and instruction upon the student’s request. 
  1. Degree-seeking first-time-in-college students. Such students may not register for any credit course at MDC until they have a set of complete scores on file. This includes students who hold a career certificate.
  2. Students, except college credit certificate-seeking, who register for any college credit course. Note: A College Credit Certificate student who changes status to degree-seeking cannot claim placement exception as a first-time-in-college student for Gordon Rule or other purposes.
  3. Students in grades 6 through 12 seeking dual enrollment. Note: Refer to Section V for placement guidelines.
  4. Students, except college credit certificate-seeking, who took a placement examination more than two years ago and whose scores were not used for placement decisions.
  1. Students seeking college credit certificates in Health Sciences programs. Such students may not register for any credit course at MDC until they have a set of complete scores on file. This includes students who hold a career certificate.
  2. College credit certificate-seeking students taking any course outside of their program.
  3. College credit certificate-seeking students who register for any English, or mathematics course (excluding MTB 1103), or any course that requires college-level Reading and/or Writing placement.
  4. Students seeking early college (dual) enrollment. Note: Refer to Section V for placement guidelines.
  5. College credit certificate-seeking students in Health Sciences programs, who took a placement examination more than two years ago and whose scores were not used for placement decisions.